Tuesday, December 1, 2015

     Howard Popkin    516-489-1278

Local Personal Development Center Focuses on Building the Dignity of our Town in December!

Dignity inspires action. When we teach children that each person matters and makes a difference, they do things that matter and make a difference.-- Dr. Robyn Silverman – Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Child Development Expert

December 2015 is Dignity Month as part of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Powerful Words Character Development program! All students will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the importance of treating themselves and others like they are all worthy of care and attention. In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

·         Dignity: What does it mean and what does it look like?
·         Relationships: Connection, acceptance, inclusion, & fairness.
·         Value and strengths: How can we recognize strengths in everyone?
·         Celebrations & uniqueness: Holidays, similarities and differences.
Dignity, the idea that everyone is born with value and worth, is something that we all have in common. We are all part of a human family and remembering our similarities while honoring our differences can help to connect us all.” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, Popkin-Brogna’s child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Howard Popkin, Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu says, "Dignity is truly one of the most valuable human rights.  The fact that we get to help our members understand the importance of how they treat themselves and others, will change their lives forever.”  We’re all excited to see the positive impact that this month’s Powerful Words Curriculum has on our students as well as on our entire community.  That’s what it’s all about for us and we take this very seriously.

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier Powerful Personal Development Center, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Dignity month is going to help us to do just that.”

Popkin Brogna’s strong martial arts curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Popkin.

Howard Popkin is the Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu and has helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin

#dignity   #pbjjc  #kidslovemartialartswesthempstead

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Courage at Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu !

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard Popkin – www.pbjjc.com                      516-489-1278

Local Personal Development Center helps Kids, Teens & Adults in West Hempstead to Develop COURAGE in September!

“Courage is the strength to dictate and star in your own story rather than allowing fear to take the leading role.” -- Dr. Robyn Silverman – Popkin-Brogna’s Child Development Expert

September 2015 is Courage Month as part of Popkin-Brogna ’s Powerful Words Character Development program! All students will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the importance of the willingness to face fears and challenges with determination. In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

·         Courage defined: What does courage mean? What are people scared of?
·         Taking healthy risks: How can I try new things & commit to one tough task?
·         Courage & Values: How can I stand up for what I think is right and fair?
·         Keeping Control: How can I calm myself down and make good choices?
 Courage is not the absence of fear, as many children might think. Rather, courage is how we cope with fears in the face of challenge.  As parents and mentors, it’s important that we let children know that everyone gets scared sometimes. It’s how we cope with those fears that show our level of courage” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu Center's child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Howard Popkin, Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu says, "Developing courage is vitally important here at our facility.  Courage helps our students to tackle skills they never would have tried, and build their confidence so they realize that they truly are in control of their own destiny. I’m confident that this life skill will prove valuable to them, at our academy, in school and of course in “the real world!”  We’re all excited to see the positive impact that this month’s Powerful Words Curriculum has on our students as well as on our entire community.  That’s what it’s all about for us and we take this very seriously.

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier Powerful Personal Development Center, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Courage month is going to help us to do just that.”

Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s strong curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Popkin.

Howard Popkin is the Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu and has helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin


#popkinbrognajujitsucenter      #pbjjc.com       #kidslovemartialartswesthempstead

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Courtesy is the Word of the Month at Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu !

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                 Howard Popkin – (516)489-1278
Local Personal Development Center helps West Hempstead and Franklin Square to become more Courteous in August!

“Disrespect locks gates and starts wars; courtesy mends fences and opens doors.” -- Dr. Robyn Silverman Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Child Development Expert

August 2015 is Courtesy Month as part of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Powerful Words Character Development program! All students will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the importance of showing respect, kindness and consideration for others.  In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

·         Courtesy defined: What does courtesy mean & how/where do we show it?
·         Good manners, bad manners: Table, school, our class & out in public
·         Powerful greetings: Powerful GUEST system to meet & greet others
·         Powerful courtesy: Please, excuse me, sorry & helping others through charity
While many typically refer to courtesy as simply a way to be polite, there is more to this powerful word! People who show courtesy are thoughtful and think before they act. Courtesy is not just showing manners, but rather, demonstrating empathy, kindness and respect for others. ” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu's child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Howard Popkin, Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu says, "Helping our students / members to become more courteous is so very important to us.  While the physical skills they develop here are great, life skills like showing courtesy to others is truly what will help them to achieve their goals and become more successful in life. I’m confident that this life skill will prove valuable to them, at our academy, in school and of course in “the real world!”  We’re all excited to see the positive impact that this month’s Powerful Words Curriculum has on our students as well as on our entire community.  That’s what it’s all about for us and we take this very seriously.

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier Powerful Personal Development Center, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Courtesy month is going to help us to do just that.”

Popkin-Brogna’s strong curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Popkin.

Howard Popkin, Sensei is the Owner of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu and has helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin



Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Developing Perseverance in our Youth – Local Personal Development Center Dedicates July to Achieving This Important Goal!

            Howard Popkin --- (516) 489-1278

 Developing Perseverance in our Youth – Local Personal Development Center Dedicates July to Achieving This Important Goal!

Talent gets you to the starting line; perseverance to the finish. -- Dr. Robyn Silverman – Popkin-Brogna’ s Child Development Expert

July 2015 is Perseverance Month as part of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Powerful Words Character Development program! All students will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the importance of steady, goal-oriented persistence, despite challenges or obstacles.  In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

·         Perseverance defined: What it means to keep going and choose not to quit
·         What gets in our way? Fears, priorities, character challenges & peer pressure
·         What keeps us going? Support, Passion, Action, Reason, Knowledge (SPARK)
·         The benefits of perseverance: Goal-getting, trust, character & confidence
 Perseverance is “grit” or stick-to-itiveness. The decision to persevere even when challenged says a great deal about someone’s character.  People who persevere show mental toughness, commitment, focus, reliability and integrity. They follow through with what they say they will do so they are often perceived as trustworthy and reliable. As you can imagine, perseverance is a very important trait of a leader.” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, Popkin-Brogna's child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Howard Popkin, Sensei , Owner of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu says, "Teaching our students to develop perseverance this month is very exciting.  The ability to stick with something until they are successful will be a skill they’ll use for the rest of their lives. I’m confident that this life skill will prove valuable to them, at our academy, in school and of course in “the real world!”  We’re all excited to see the positive impact that this month’s Powerful Words Curriculum has on our students as well as on our entire community.  That’s what it’s all about for us and we take this very seriously.

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier Powerful Personal Development Center, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Perseverance month is going to help us to do just that.”

Popkin-Brogna’s strong curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Popkin.

Howard Popkin is the Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu.  He and his team have helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin


#kidsmartialartswesthempsted             #kidspersonaldevelopment      

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 2015 --> Local Personal Development Center to Build Teamwork in West Hempstead !

 May 2015 --> Local Personal Development Center to Build Teamwork in
West Hempstead !

Strong team players are comprised of steadfast commitment, unwavering character & reliable competence. The presence of these qualities prepares a team for success.  The abscence, for failure -- Dr. Robyn Silverman – Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Child Development Expert

May 2015 is Teamwork Month as part of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s Powerful Words Character Development program! All students will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the value and benefit of working together as a group to achieve a common goal. In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

     Teamwork defined: What is a team? What is teamwork?
     Success & failure: How does sportsmanship and effort affect teams?
     Leadership, strengths & lessons: How can I contribute & learn from the team?
     Disagreements & compromise: When should I stand up vs stand strong together?

“Great teams accentuate strengths, compensate for weaknesses, and bring out the best in every member. Goal-getting just seems easier.  Perhaps that’s why T.E.A.M. is said to stand for (Together Everyone Achieves More) or sometimes even (Together Everyone Achieves Miracles.)” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Howard Popkin, Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu says, "One of the biggest challenges people face is the ability to successfully work with others as a team.  The fact that we get to invest an entire month in specifically focusing upon building teamwork skills proves it’s importance in our eyes.  I’m confident that this life skill will prove valuable at our academy, in school and of course in “the real world!”  We’re all excited to see the positive impact that this month’s Powerful Words Curriculum has on our students as well as on our entire community.  That’s what it’s all about for us and we take this very seriously.

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier Powerful Personal Development Center, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Teamwork month is going to help us to do just that.”

Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s strong curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Popkin.

Howard Popkin/Joe Brogna and their staff at Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu have helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin


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Monday, April 20, 2015

Powerful Words at Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu !

                         Howard Popkin or Joseph Brogna                                                                     www.pbjjc.com

Local Jujitsu Academy Puts the Power in Kids’ Character!

Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu Center is proud to be launching the industry’s leading character development program, Powerful Words Character Development!  Now a Personal Development Center, Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu Center is incorporating this comprehensive character development program with their fun and exciting Jujitsu curriculum for children ages 4-14.   The program forms the backbone from which all of our students can study, grow, develop, learn and become an upstanding member of our community and a confident individual.  “This full education process provides purpose to what we do as teachers—it gives our students something for which to strive, the strength to explore, and a foundation on which to succeed.  We feel that by providing several facets to learning, both physical and mental, we can ultimately help our students to grow in a variety of positive ways,” says Dr. Robyn J.A. Silverman, creator of the Powerful Words Character Development System.

Using Powerful Words Character Development, which includes “The Powerful Word of the Month” projects and lessons within the context of a fun, organized Jujitsu curriculum, invites students to listen, share, discover, and reflect—and of course, bring the lessons home to their family.  Students and their families can use this positive approach to set, evaluate, prioritize, and achieve goals—building strength, respect, responsibility, and hope along the way.  They learn the power of choice, the thrill of accomplishment, as well as the consequences and rewards of certain behaviors.  “Ultimately, our aim is to help our students embrace the person that they are, respect those around them, and share their appreciation at home, in school, at Jujitsu, and within their community while having an awesome time learning at our facility.” 

Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna invite the community to their studio at anytime. For more information on Popkin Brogna Jujitsu, please call 516-489-1278, visit online at www.pbjjc.com or drop by the facility at 400 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, 11552

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin or Joe Brogna



#kidskaratewesthempstead #kidskaratefranklinsquare

#kidscharactereducation #kidsmartialartswesthempstead #kidsmartialartsfranklinsquare

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Self Esteem Issues? Look no further !

Self Esteem Issues?  Look no further !
Say Goodbye to Self-Doubt: 5 Ways Martial Arts Can Boost Children’s Confidence
         Today, many parents understand the physical importance of martial arts: This fun, engaging activity is the perfect way to help a child develop a strong cardiovascular system, keep off excess weight, and strengthen his or her joints and muscles.
         What is less talked about, however, is the emotional significance of this ancient sport—martial arts are also an excellent way to help raise a child’s self-esteem and self image, helping to embolden even the most shy and hesitant youngster.
         The reason for this is not limited to the fact that the sport engenders better self-defence capabilities (though, if a child is being bullied, this is another excellent benefit); instead, it’s due to a diverse combination of factors which come together within the martial arts environment:
1. Martial arts fosters self-discipline: Self-discipline is one of the core tenets of almost all forms of martial arts, and this is excellent for enhancing a child’s self-esteem and self image. People who are self-disciplined feel more in control of themselves, more poised to meet life’s challenges, and less reactive—the basic foundation of steady nerves and confidence.
2. Martial arts builds a sense of community: Many children who lack self-confidence find it very hard to initiate activities and conversations with thier peers, leading to feelings of alienation which only worsen their issues. Martial arts bridges these gaps by giving kids a common interest and common activity over which to bond. Some forms of martial arts, like jiu jitsu, are very partner-driven, providing shy kids with an instant friend who will stick by their side throughout the session.
3. Martial arts includes a reward system: In order for children to feel confident, they need to have their achievements recognized and validated by authority figures. As almost all martial arts involve a variety of levels children ascend through (e.g. the colored belt system in Karate), this sport contains an effective reward system where children’s achievements are affirmed regularly.
4. Martial arts develops hand-eye coordination: Having better hand-eye coordination will lead to a child being more agile, better at other sports, and better at common peer-oriented activities like playing video games. This creates a positive cycle of skills earned in one area spilling over into many other areas that will help a child receive recognition from his or her friends, resulting in better confidence overall.
5. Martial arts encourages respect for authority figures: The connection between this aspect of martial arts and self-esteem isn’t obvious to many of us at first glance, but those who are familiar with child psychology know that children actually need to feel a sense of respect and deference toward the adults in their lives in order to be truly happy. Why? By feeling that the adults around them are capable, in control, and worthy of admiration, children feel safer and put less pressure on themselves. This, of course, causes self-confidence to come more easily to them, as they aren’t placing unrealistic expectations on their own shoulders. In addition to this, having respect for authority figures encourages children to seek out positive role models in their lives. For more information, please contact Howard or Joe at www.pbjjc.com.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Awesome Tips for an active child.

