Monday, November 4, 2013

About bullying -

About Bullying


All it takes to become a target of bullying is for a student to be perceived as different, offbeat or not conforming to what’s “normal”. When students are bullied because of legally protected characteristics, such as disability, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender or race, the behavior is consideredharassment. Research shows that students are bullied for all kinds of differences.
Without intervention, students who fall into the roles of bully or target are at higher risk for truancy, mental health challenges, drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. In schools where bullying and harassment are tolerated, fear, aggression and violence can become the cultural norm.
Bullying is serious. Bullying is different from playing around or peer conflict. It occurs when a student, or group of students, intentionally and repeatedly try to get power over or hurt another student. It happens in four main ways.
  • Physical bullying, when a student uses physical force to hurt another student by hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking, taking a student’s belongings or stealing their money.
  • Verbal bullying, when a student uses words or gestures to humiliate another student by threatening, taunting, intimidating, insulting, sarcasm, name-calling, teasing, slurs, graffiti, put-downs and ridicule.
  • Relational bullying, when a student isolates another student from their peer group through leaving them out, gossiping, spreading rumors and scapegoating.
  • Cyberbullying, when a student uses a cell-phone, text messages, e-mails, instant messaging, chats and social networking sites to bully another student in any of the ways described above.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Who cyberbullies and why??

A quarter of youth who perpetrate cyberbullying are teenagers who have also bullied others offline. However, the remaining three quarters do not bully others in person – implying that the Internet has empowered youth who would never consider bullying anyone in the physical world to do so in the virtual world.

Nancy Willard of the Responsible Netizen Institute explains that technology can also affect a young person's ethical behaviour because it doesn't provide tangible feedback about the consequences of actions on others. This lack of feedback minimizes feelings of empathy or remorse. Young people say things online that they would never say face-to-face because they feel removed from the action and the person at the receiving end."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bullying - Terms you need to know !


A person who sees someone being bullied and either does or does not do anything to stop it.


Physically or psychologically aggressive behavior or intentional “harm doing” toward a victim by one person or a group, generally carried out repeatedly and over time. Also known as "victimization."

Cooperative or Collaborative Anti-Bullying Policy

A type of policy in which teachers, students, and parents all contribute to reduce or eliminate bullying from schools.


Willful or repeated harm inflicted through mobile phones or the internet.


Unsolicited words or actions intended to annoy, alarm, or abuse another individual.

Happy Slapping

An extreme form of bullying where physical assaults are recorded on mobile phones and distributed to others.

Neutral Strategy

A student or administrator's reaction to the bullying that sometimes works but sometimes makes things worse.

Perceived Characteristics

Bullies sometimes target a victim because they suspect, but do not know for sure, someone's race/ethnicity, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

Regular Exposure

Bullying of a specific victim that occurs at least 2 to 3 times a month or more.


Students' perception of how well the school handles bullying.


The victim who is on the receiving end of bullying.

Zero Tolerance Policy

School rules that punish any words, threats, or actions that are considered bullying, sometimes resulting in suspension or expulsion.

Youth Voice Project


Sunday, October 6, 2013

What to do if your child is Cyberbullying !

If your child is cyberbullying, it is critical to make him or her understand that actions taken in a virtual world can inflict real pain. Cyberbullying cannot be dismissed as “kids being kids.” Studies show that cyberbullies often fail in significant ways later in life. They are considerably more likely to be convicted of crimes, have failed relationships, and have trouble getting and keeping employment because they haven’t learned to get what they want in nonaggressive ways. Cyberbullies may also find themselves facing criminal prosecution for their online actions.

Establishing zero tolerance of cyberbullying, and assuring your children that they will be supported should they become victims are critical steps in providing a positive online environment for your family.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Cyber Bullying !

Telling kids to just turn off the phone or stay offline is NOT an option. The online world is their connection to their peers, and turning these tools off just isolates them further.

There are specific actions you and your kids can take to prevent or cope with cyberbullying:
Never share information about their online activities, such as their gaming name or passwords, that could be used against them.
Never respond to a cyberbully’s attacks, which only escalates the abuse.
Save abusive messages or websites as evidence in case the bully needs to be reported to authorities.
Report abuse—Every Internet service should have a code of conduct and way for you can to notify them about abuse.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What else can you do to help prevent bullying from continuing?

What else can you do to help prevent bullying from continuing?

Teach your children that bullying most often happens when and where adults are not present. Be aware, and let the adults in the school and neighborhood know when and where bullying is most common. This is an important step to stop bullying from happening in the future.

What can you do to be part of the bullying solution ?

What can you do to be part of the bullying solution ?

Support those around me who are being bullied or victimized. The best way to stand up to bullying is to treat everyone with respect and kindness, especially those of us who are being targeted or bullied. You can make a big difference just by acknowledging the person who is being bullied and letting them know you are there for them!

Monday, September 30, 2013

What can adults do to help ?

·         Helping kids know what bullying behavior looks like;

·         Checking in on the children after an incident and talking to parents and caregivers;

·         Providing opportunities to report incidents of bullying that are safe, fair, and anonymous if necessary;

·         Sharing ways in which a kids can get help;
·         Helping them share with other adults – parents, counselors, coaches, paraprofessionals; and

·         Allowing them to practice how they would respond if approached by a bully or witness bullying behavior.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Popkin-Brogna Anti Bully blog #1

Do you know what bullying looks like ?

- scary
- when someone pushes you around because they are bigger than you are
- when a bunch kids are making fun of another kid because of what she is wearing or the way they talk
- when someone calls another kid names
- when they throw the ball extra hard to hurt you and other kids laugh
- A kid will stick his leg out so trip so you trip and fall and get embarrassed
- somebody writes your name on a piece paper with ugly pictures and shows it to everyone so they can laugh at you
- playing really rough during recess or soccer practice when the coach is not around

What can you do ? Ask Sensei Popkin or Sensei Brogna, we can help !!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sensei Popkin and Sensei Brogna are hosting the 4 day Daitoryu Aikijujitsu Ginjukai intensive from Friday August 23rd until Monday, August 26th.
Spectators welcome !

Friday 5-9

Saturday 9-12 1:30 – 4:30

Sunday 9-12 1:30 – 4:30

Monday 9 - 11:30 12:30 - 2

Hope to see !


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

20 days left  - Help !!!

Hey guys we are entered in a contest. We need 100 reviews before June 30 to win $500. If we win we are going to have a party at the dojo.

Please help us out and fill a out a review on the following link

Type "popkinbrogna jujitsu google+" in the google search bar and fill out your review.  Click the pencil at the top of the page !

Thanks very much !!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Striking and conditioning week has been pushed back to the third week of the month.  Don't forget your gear !



Thursday, May 23, 2013

The dojo will be closed Sunday and Monday in honor of memorial Day. Please keep our soldiers, veterans, and their families in your thoughts as you enjoy the weekend ! Be safe, Sensei

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Striking and conditioning week ! Begins Monday !

Dojo family,

Next week is striking and conditioning week !  Get ready to sweat !

For the kids, green stripe and up, please don't forget your gear.  Adults too !

Thanks !


Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Dojo will re-open Monday for all regular classes !!

See you there !

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The dojo will be closed on Wednesday, 3/ 20.

We will re-open on Thursday for all regular classes.



Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday, March 17th and Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu 10am-2pm

Sensei Popkin will be teaching a Daitoryu Ginjukai seminar.

Please contact us if you are interested.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Shihan William Gleason
Sensei Joe Brogna
Sensei George Ledyard
Sensei Howard Popkin

I don't think any more needs to be said.  Register now, this will sell out way before the event !  Spots are limited !!!

  • Gleason, Brogna, Ledyard, Popkin - JUNE 2013

    • Aikido and Aikijujutsu - over 125 years of combined Aiki knowledge in one seminar

      3 Day seminar - $275 - Event Limited to the first 60 participants !

      Sign up here -

      Facebook for the event ! -

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dojo Closed Monday and Tuesday 2/18 and 2/19.

See you Wednesday.

Thanks !


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One of our dojo family needs help.  Please, only good thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's that time again !!!! This is conditioning and striking week at Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu.

Starting Monday, 2/11/13, all adults and those children in the green stripe and higher class need to bring sparring gear !

Get ready to sweat !


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

There will be three children's brown belt tests over the next two weeks at

All regular classes are still going on, but the format maybe a little different to accommodate the testing.

Looking forward to seeing you all here !

Thanks !

Sensei Popkin

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sensei Popkin will be teaching a seminar on Daitoryu Aikijujitsu Ginjukai on Memorial Day Weekend - May 25,26 - 2013 in Sacramento, California.

This is the facebook page for the event !

Hope to see you there !

Sunday, January 6, 2013

This week is striking and conditioning week at the Popkin-Brogna Self Defense Center !  Please bring sparring gear, water bottles and be ready to sweat !!!!

If you are looking for a great workout while practicing practical self defense, please join us !!!

Thanks !

Joe Brogna/Howard Popkin

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Striking and conditioning week

Don't forget striking & conditioning week starts this Sunday for the adults, and Monday for the kids Green stripe - up classes!
Don't forget your water bottle!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dojo open !! Reminder

Dojo open tonight for all classes !  Hope to see you all there !