Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bullying - Terms you need to know !


A person who sees someone being bullied and either does or does not do anything to stop it.


Physically or psychologically aggressive behavior or intentional “harm doing” toward a victim by one person or a group, generally carried out repeatedly and over time. Also known as "victimization."

Cooperative or Collaborative Anti-Bullying Policy

A type of policy in which teachers, students, and parents all contribute to reduce or eliminate bullying from schools.


Willful or repeated harm inflicted through mobile phones or the internet.


Unsolicited words or actions intended to annoy, alarm, or abuse another individual.

Happy Slapping

An extreme form of bullying where physical assaults are recorded on mobile phones and distributed to others.

Neutral Strategy

A student or administrator's reaction to the bullying that sometimes works but sometimes makes things worse.

Perceived Characteristics

Bullies sometimes target a victim because they suspect, but do not know for sure, someone's race/ethnicity, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

Regular Exposure

Bullying of a specific victim that occurs at least 2 to 3 times a month or more.


Students' perception of how well the school handles bullying.


The victim who is on the receiving end of bullying.

Zero Tolerance Policy

School rules that punish any words, threats, or actions that are considered bullying, sometimes resulting in suspension or expulsion.


Youth Voice Project


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