Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Courage at Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu !

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard Popkin –                      516-489-1278

Local Personal Development Center helps Kids, Teens & Adults in West Hempstead to Develop COURAGE in September!

“Courage is the strength to dictate and star in your own story rather than allowing fear to take the leading role.” -- Dr. Robyn Silverman – Popkin-Brogna’s Child Development Expert

September 2015 is Courage Month as part of Popkin-Brogna ’s Powerful Words Character Development program! All students will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the importance of the willingness to face fears and challenges with determination. In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

·         Courage defined: What does courage mean? What are people scared of?
·         Taking healthy risks: How can I try new things & commit to one tough task?
·         Courage & Values: How can I stand up for what I think is right and fair?
·         Keeping Control: How can I calm myself down and make good choices?
 Courage is not the absence of fear, as many children might think. Rather, courage is how we cope with fears in the face of challenge.  As parents and mentors, it’s important that we let children know that everyone gets scared sometimes. It’s how we cope with those fears that show our level of courage” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu Center's child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Howard Popkin, Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu says, "Developing courage is vitally important here at our facility.  Courage helps our students to tackle skills they never would have tried, and build their confidence so they realize that they truly are in control of their own destiny. I’m confident that this life skill will prove valuable to them, at our academy, in school and of course in “the real world!”  We’re all excited to see the positive impact that this month’s Powerful Words Curriculum has on our students as well as on our entire community.  That’s what it’s all about for us and we take this very seriously.

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier Powerful Personal Development Center, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Courage month is going to help us to do just that.”

Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu’s strong curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Popkin.

Howard Popkin is the Sensei of Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu and has helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed Interview, Contact Howard Popkin


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